✥✥ The Hangover Hunt ✥✥
Pele/Skin: Al Vulo ([EWa ] - [ -Kinder Fairy ] / Group Gift) FREE
Cabelo/Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ - Petit Hair - Dark Blonds - (Gatcha) Not Free
Outfit : Bodysuit and necklace. The Hangover hunt @Glitzz (Hint:"Do not worry I'll take care of you!")
Calça/Panties: ;PC:. Marjore Pants - Not FREE
Oculos/Glasses: Meshdol-7 Color Nerd Glasses - Marketplace - 10L$
Bolsa/Bag: CCD MESH Handbag Leo Brown - 10L$
Calça/Panties: ;PC:. Marjore Pants - Not FREE
Oculos/Glasses: Meshdol-7 Color Nerd Glasses - Marketplace - 10L$
Bolsa/Bag: CCD MESH Handbag Leo Brown - 10L$
Sapato/Shoes: ::PC:: Janine Peep Toe High Heels (ONLY FOR SLINK FEET - HIGH) - Not free
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